#261 | You’ll Hear Me Howling (Outside Your Door) by HarpiaHarpyja

You'll Hear Me Howling (Outside Your Door) by HarpiaHarpyja

Father Ben Solo has been a priest at St. Ailbe's parish for the last year. It's a position that provides the structure and control he lacked in his youth, and maybe best of all, a way to wrangle his more unsavory urges as an Alpha. Rey Stafford has just moved to Ontario, hoping to advance at work and adjust to a new life across the Atlantic as an Omega living alone. When an unusual encounter in the confessional leaves them spiraling into a constant routine of advance and retreat, they both begin to struggle against their own baser urges and the ticking time bomb of years of repression.

  • 71,743 words

  • 200 pages

  • flatback with rose gold foil


#262 | A Memory of Sandalwood by Andrina_Nightshade


#260 | To Kingdom Come by diasterisms